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高中英语《一个多元化的国土 Unit 1 A land of diversity(Part 1)》(选修8)

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高中英语《一个多元化的国土 Unit 1 A land of diversity(Part 1)》(选修8)

Warming up
How much do you know about the USA?
Something more about the USA
The White House
The executive mansion(豪华住宅)of the President of the United States.The American President lives and works in the building.
The Statue of Liberty
The crowned lady is 46 meters high,with a torch in her right hand holding high in the air and Declaration of Independence in her left hand.
1.Which state is the largest one in the US?
A New York    B Alaska    C Los Angeles
2.How many stars are there on the American flag?
A 52   B 50   C 13
3.Which is the longest river in the US?
A Nile   B Yangtze River   C Mississippi
Reading California
Read the passage quickly,get the general idea and then do the following exercises.
1.California is the (A) largest state in the USA.
A third  B second  C fourth   D fifth
2.California,a state in the western USA,borders (A).
A the Pacific Ocean    B the Indian Ocean      C the Atlantic Ocean    D the Arctic Ocean
3.(A)has the largest population in the USA.
A California    B Alaska      C Washington  D Texas
4.California entered the Union on September 9,1850,as the (D)state.
A thirtieth      B thirty-eighth    C thirty-second   D thirty-first
Language points
1.means   n.手段,方法,工具
Television is an effective means of communication.
We had no means of transport except for two bicycles.
This means has been tried by them.
These means have been tried by them.
by means of   用,依靠
by all means    一定,务必;好的,当然可以
by no means    决不,并没有
by no means 放在句首时,句子要用部分倒装语序。
(1)他绝不会放弃。By no means (will he give up).
She could not speak,but made her wishes known (by means of)signs.
(By all means)I visit my sick friend.
"Do you mind if I have a look?"
"(By all means)".
2.majortity  n.大部分
The majortity of doctors believe smoking is harmful.
the majortity 大多数
the majortity of+n.[U]+单数谓语
the majortity of+n.[U]/集合名词+复数谓语
(be)in the the majortity  占大多数
by a majortity(of)  以多出.....
(1)The majortity of the boys (are against)(反对)the idea.
(2)Of the visitors,the young (are in the majortity)(占大多数).
(3)She barely won the election (by a majortity of two)(多出两票).
(4)The majortity of the food (was carried away)(被冲走)by the flood.
3.occur vi.发生;出现,存在
Great changes have occured in China in the past few years.
It occurs to sb. to do sth.
It occurs to sb. that...
It occured to me to visit my parents.
It occured to me that I should visit my parents.
4.slip vi.&vt. 滑落,滑到;悄悄或匆忙地走;失误
A red apple slipped out of the little child's hand.
He slipped on a banana peel and feel down.
(1)slip into (out of)the room   溜进(出)房间
slip from sb's hand   从某人手里滑落
(2)slide 多指“下滑,滑动”,“悄悄移动”
slide into (out of)the room   溜进(出)房间
slide on the ice    滑冰
(1)The years (slipped by)(逝去)before we realize it.
(2)The little child (slipped  on the ice)(在冰上滑倒).
(3)The fish (slipped out of my hand)(从我手中滑落).
(4)He (slipped on)(匆忙地穿上)his coat and left home quickly.
5.hire n.&v.   租用,雇佣
I'll hire a suit for the wedding.
hire a car(horse,hall)租车(马,大厅)
hire a manager (secretary)聘请经理(秘书)
hire 多指短期租用,rent多指长期租用
be employed in    受雇于....,忙于....
(1)Shall we (hire) a car for holiday?
(2)There was a sign on the house,saying "For rent".
(3)She is (employed)in writing a story.
6.team up with    与...合作或一起工作
I (teamed up with Jane)to do the job.
He preferred to go into business alone rather than (team up with anyone else).
7.mark out  划线标出...界线
A volleyball court had (been marked out)on the grass.
We must(mark) the tennis court (out)ready for playing these days.
8.react vt.&vi.作出反应,回应
Notice how the audience react.注意观众的反应。
react to sb./sth.   对...作出反应;回应
react against sb./sth.  反对...;反抗...
react with sth.  (指物质)起化学反应
(1)Plants react (to)light.
(2)They reacted strongly (against) the unreasonable rule.
(3)Iron reacts (with) water and air to produce rust.
1.Review the language points.
2.Go through the text;California






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