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四年级英语下册Unit 2《What time is it?》(1)

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《What time is it?》(1)
London,12 a.m.  伦敦 中午12点
It's 12 o'clock.It's time for lunch.  12点了,吃午饭时间到了。
Beijing ,8 p.m.  北京晚上8点
It's time to watch TV.  看电视时间到了
Cairo,2 p.m.  开罗 下午点
It's 2 o'clock.Let's play football.  两点了,我们一起踢足球吧
What time is it?   几点了
New York,7 a.m.  纽约 早上7点
It's 7 o'clock.It's time to get up.  7点了,起床的时间到了。
Brasilia,9 a.m.  巴西利亚 上午9点
Hurry up!It's time to go to school!  快点,上学时间到了。
Sydney,10 p.m.  悉尼 晚上10点
 It's 10 o'clock.It's time to go to bed.  10点了,睡觉时间到了
breakfast 早餐,早饭  lunch  午餐,午饭
dinner(中午或晚上吃的)正餐   PE class 体育课
English class 英语课      music class  音乐课
Hi!School is over.let's go to the playground.
OK.  好的。
What time is it now?  现在几点了?
It's 5 o'lock.5点了。
Time to go home,kids.  回家时间到了,孩子们。
What time is it?  几点了
It's 6 o'lock.It's time for dinner.oh,Let's go!
It's 9 o'lock.It's time for English class. Let's go!
What time is it? 
It's time for dinner.oh,Let's go!
Let's play
Where are you ?  I'm in New York.
In Beijing.it's 8:10p.m. What time is it there?
It's 7:10 a.m.It's time to go to school.
Where are you ?  I'm in Beijing.
It's 8:10p.m.It's time to watch TV.
In New York.it's 7:10 a.m.What time is it there?
Where are you ?  I'm in London.
In Sydney.it's 10:10 p.m.What time is it there?
It's 12:10 p.m.It's time for lunch.
Where are you ?  I'm in Sydney.
In London.it's 12:10 p.m.What time is it there?
It's 10:10 p.m.It's time to go to bed.
What time is it?It's (seven twenty).
What time is it?It's (twelve fifteen).
What time is it?It's (twelve fifteen).




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[浙江省] 好!!!good


2019-01-25 12:58:31

[广东省肇庆市] 100


2016-08-18 14:44:23

[山东省济南市] 怎能给98分,我给100分,你呢.


2016-08-11 16:22:12

[广东省惠州市] 给力!太好了!就是时间有点短!女儿听了很有效!给98分!!!


2016-01-26 18:10:30

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