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八年级英语下册Module 3《Journey to space》Unit 2 We have not found life on and other planets yet.

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Module 3《Journey to space》
Lead in
The earth is a _____ and it _____ the sun.
Scientists think that there has been life on the earth for __________years.
Review the new words
none 没有一人     environment 环境
that 那,那个     solar 太阳的
system 系统,体系  solar system 星系,太阳系
group 群,组       galaxy星系
universe 宇宙      light 光/光线/光亮
impossible 不可能的   out 在远方
communicate 联系,交流
The earth is a _____ and it _____ the sun._____ other planets go around the sun.
The sun and its planets are calles _____.
Our solar system is part of ______.
There are _____ stars in the Milky Way.
Scientists ______ spaceship to the planet Mars to take photos.They _____ spaceships to travel outside the solar system.

Work in pairs
Look at the picture and talk about what you know about Chinese spaceships.
ShenZhou-9 is manned spaceship.

Read the passage and choose the title for it.
1.Anyone out there
2.Life on the earth
3.The suns and other stars
4.The stars at night
The 1st Para.Question:

1.How long has there been life on the earth?
2.Have we found life on any other planets yet?
1.What is calles the solar system?What is it?
2.How many planets are there in the soalr system?
3.Why don't scientists think they'll find life on the other planets?
1.What have scientists discovered?
2.Why is it impossible to imagine how large the universe is ?

The 4th Para.
Scientists have _____ the planet Mars to _____.They have even sent spaceships to _____ the solar system.However,no spaceship has travelled _____ other stars in our Galaxy.

Listen and read
Memory test
Check the true sentences:
1.The earth is a star.
2.The sun is a star.
3.There is more than one galaxy in the universe.
4.The light form the stars in other galaxies has tralled for a long time to reach us.
5.Scientists have received many messages from space.
6.Scientists have visited most of the universe.

Complete the passage with the words and expression in the box.
Is there life on other planets?There are seven other planets in our (1)_____,but(2)_____ of them has a(n)(3)_____ like that of the earth.
Spaceships from the earth have done surveys of the other planets,but they have not found any life there.Why has no one for other planets in the (5)_____yet,but some scientists believe that will find it some day.

Phrases Key
1.______ them has an environment like ______ the earth,so scientists to not think they will find life on them.
none of...表示(三个以上)一个也没有。做主语时,谓语动词可用单数或复数。
None of us has/have been to Mars.
注意:none与no one(nobody)的区别:
     no one(=nobody)只能指人,不能与of短语连用。
如:_____ of the reasons was true.
A.None   B.No one   C.All
(2)none与数量有关,可回答how many问句,表示“一个也没有”;而no one 表示“什么人也没有”,可回答who问句。
如:-Who are you speaking to? - _____________.
    -How many studengts are there in the room?
1.The air in the countryside is fresher than _____ in the city.
2.The streets in the city are wider and the buildings are taller than _____ in the country.
3.The environment is much clearer than _____ in the city.
2.However,no spaceship has traveled far enough to reach other stars in our Galaxy.
...enough...to do
adj./adv.+enough+to do sth.  足够...可以...
not+adj./adv.+enough +to do sth.  不够。。。,不可以...
We have ______________.
He ran __________ catch up with us soon.
He ________________.
3.The sun and its planets are calles the solar system.
are called 是由be动词+过去分词构成的被动语态,“被叫做...”,"被称为..."如:
The pop group is called S.H.E.  那个演唱组合叫S.H.E. 
4.alone 孤单的,孤独的
  lonly 寂寞的,通常只人在心灵上的“寂寞和忧郁”,带强烈的感情色彩。
I was alone,but I didn't feel lonely. 我独自一个人,但是我并不感到寂寞。
Which would you prefer,tea or coffee?  茶和咖啡,你更喜欢哪一种?
prefer A to B 喜欢A而不喜欢B
I prefer dogs to cats.我喜欢狗而不喜欢猫。
The boy ran in,with a ball in his hand.小男孩手里拿着球,跑了进来。
7.What costs a millon yuan?什么东西值一百万。
它的主语通常是物,常用句型是sth.cost(sb)some money.
This book cost me 20 yuan.

Look at the picture from a science tory for children and answer the questions.
What have the scientists just received?(a message from one of our spaceships)
1.Where has the spaceship landed? (Mars)
2.What has the spaceship discovered? (people on Mars)
3.Why have the people on Mars not sent us a message?(do not know how to)

Possible version:
We've just had some news about the mission to explore Mars.Scientists have just heard that the spaceship has landed on Mars and has discovered people.These people haven't sent us a message because they can't hear us.They haven't visited the earth because they preger life on Mars.They have used parts from the other spacecraft from earth to make TVs,radios and cars.

1.There is the earth,the sun,the moon and many other stars in the u_____.
2.There are eight planets in the solar s_____.
3.We should try our best to protect the e_____.
4.A _______(群,组) of kids were playing with a ball in the street.It's too dangerous.
5.The I ____ in the room is por.Don't read in it.
6.I want to know how they __________(交流)in the past.
7.It's ____________(不可能的)for you to do it.
8.The old man is a _______.No one lives with him.
9.I know ___________(没有一个)of the students over there.
10.I am interested in the books on space _________(旅行)。

1.What are you going to do this weekend? I _____ yet.
A.haven't decided       B.won't decide
C.have decide           D.didn't decide
2.My cousin ________ Sydney dor half a year.
A.has been to           B.has gone to
C.has come to           D.has been in
3.I want to return the book to Jack,but I can't find him.He _____ the library.You can find him there.
A.has been to           B.has gone to
C.has left              D.went to
4.Have scientists found life on other planets? ---___________.
A.Yes,they do.          B.No,they have
C.No,they don't         D.No,they haven't

1.I have been to America before.(变成一般疑问句)
3.She _______ the Great Wall twice.(选has gone to/has been to 填空)

Write the story in the picture.Use the answer to the questions in Activity 5 to help you.
We're just heard
that our spacecraft
has laded on
Mars,and we've





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