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二年级英语下册Module 2 Unit 3《Animals I like》(2)

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《Animals I like》(2)
Look and learn


Let's do
Act like an elephant           扮演一只大象
Act like a bird.               扮演一只小鸟
Act like a tiger.              扮演一只老虎  
Act like a monkey.             扮演一只小猴
Act like a Panda.              扮演一只熊猫  
Play a game
They are brown.They have long tails.They like meat.What are they?
Yes.Do you like lions?
No,I don't.

Let's guess
It's small.It has a long tail and big eyes.It's red.
It's fish.
It's small and thin.It has a long tail.It's grey.
It's mouse.
It's big.It has a long body and short legs.It's brown.
It's a gog.
They are big.They have short tails.They are black and white.
What are they?
They're pandas
They are big and tall.They have long noses.They have short tails.
They have small eyes and big ears.
What are they?
They're elephants.
They are smart.They have big and long tails.They like meat.
What are they?
They're foxes.
They are jump.They have short tails.They have long ears.
What are they?
They're rabbits.
They are run.They are black and white.They likes grass.
What are they?
They're zebras.
They are climb.They are thin.They have long tails.
What are they?
They're monkeys.

Listen and enjoy
I like dogs.
I like dogs.
Big dogs go —
Small dogs go —
Big dogs and small dogs.
I like them all.

Let's sing
Old MacDonald had a farm,Ee-i,ee-i,oh!
And on that farm he had a chick,Ee-i,ee-i,Oh!
With a chick chick here,And a chick chick there,
Here a chick,there a chick,Everywhere a chick chick.

Learn the sounds
fish     wolf
van      five

Task:My animal friends
Look at the animal.
It is a ...
It is ...(big/small/tall)
It is ...(red/brown/...)
It can..

Look at the animal.
It's a panda.It is big.
It is black and white.
It can climb the tree.
Look at the animal.
It's a rabbit.It is small.
It is white.
It can jump.
Look at the animal.
It's a bird.It is small.
It is blue.
It can fly.
Look at the animal.
It's a giraffe.It is tall.
It is yellow.
It can run.

Ask the questions
A:Do you like rabbit?
B:Yes,I do.
A:Do you like panda?
B:Yes,I do.
A:Do you like panda?
B:No,I don't.I like giraffe.
A:Do you like rabbit?
B:No,I don't.I like bird.

2.听音欣赏:Listen and enjoy
3.听音练习发音:Learn the sounds




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