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二年级英语下册Module 1 Unit 2《Touch and feel》(2)

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《Touch and feel》(2)
Play a game

Touch this.Is it rough?
No,it isn't.
Is it soft?
Yes,it is.
What is it?  It's a peach.
Yes,it is.

Touch this.Is it soft?
No,it isn't.
Is it smooth?
Yes,it is.
What is it?  It's a apple.
Yes,it is.

Touch this.Is it rough?
No,it isn't.
Is it hard?
Yes,it is.
What is it?  It's a pear.
Yes,it is.

Touch this.Is it hard?
No,it isn't.
Is it soft?
Yes,it is.
What is it?  It's a orange.
Yes,it is.

Touch this.Is it smooth?
No,it isn't.
Is it hard?
Yes,it is.
What is it?  It's a pineapple.
Yes,it is.

Listen and enjoy
A bag,a doll,
I can see.
Soft and nice,
For you and me.
A pen,a watch,
I can see.
Hard and smooth,
For you and me.

Listen the sounds
pig     skip
bag     table

Tough and say
It is ...(hard/soft/smooth/rough)
It is hard.
It is rough.
It is soft.
It is smooth.

Look and say
Touch it.
It's smooth.
What is it?   Is it a watch?
Is it a ruler?
Yes.It's for you.
Thank you.

1.联系表演Play a game
2.听音朗读Listen and enjoy




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